525,600 Minutes

“How do you measure…measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights in cups of coffee? In inches, in miles in laughter in strife?”

These are some of my favorite sentiments from “Seasons of Love” in the musical Rent, written by Jonathan Larson. I sing them all the time both out loud (and in my head) in the car, in the kitchen, on dog walks, and in the gym. I am quite obsessed with Rent. It pulls every heart string of mine and really hits home with the theme of living in the moment, having empathy for others and focusing on what matters - love, relationships and connections. It also spans over one year and reflects back on what can happen in one year which is exactly 525,600 minutes.

One year seems like a long time. It is and it it isn’t. A year can fly by in the blink of an eye and it can also drag on for what feels like forever.

It has been one year since I posted my very first Blog post as a life coach. It has been a year since I stepped over the line to get started. It has been a year since I launched my website, started my social media presence as a life coach, began coaching clients and took my first steps along the journey of owning my own business.

I look back at the last year and can see how my mindset has changed, the ways in which I have grown, what I have brought into my life and of what I have let go.

I have learned that likes and comments are not validation worth quantifying. I have learned that even if your post only gets five hits, you may have changed the course of one person’s day. I have learned that sharing your experiences and process are much more powerful than leaving them left unsaid. I have learned that connecting with people is much more important than having the perfect blog post or newsletter. I have learned that having the opportunity to work with clients, see them navigate mindset shifts and even the smallest changes because of our work together is extremely rewarding.

As you look back at your last year, what have you learned? 2020 and the beginning of 2021 have been quite an experience for each of us. What have you learned? How have you changed? What shifts have you made? What have you let go of? what have you brought more of into your life?

Now look forward - 525,600 minutes from now. What do you want? Who do you want to be? What do you want to have? What people do you want in your life? What are you going to do to get there? What steps will you take to become that person? What choices will you make to create that life? How will you foster the relationships to find, have and keep those people in your life?

You have choices. You have options. You have the ability to change your life, one small action at a time.

You got this. Keep going. Your future self will thank you.


Should we turn around?


“The What Ifs”