Balance is Unattainable.
I don’t believe in balance. It is rarely attainable and not sustainable. We work so hard for balance- in life, in relationships, in finances, in work, in our homes and in yoga class. We fight to be balanced which is, in essence, a momentary thing.
I have held a yoga pose for like 30 seconds of balance in a 45 minute class. Sometimes that feels discouraging as I feel like I am fighting for balance instead of feeling the movements and enjoying the burn and the wobble.
So instead of balance, I think of things as a blend always moving, changing and shifting.
Relationships are always shifting and we need to shift with them. Your best friend from college may move elsewhere and you grow apart because of the distance and your different life choices. It is okay for them to be your best friend from college, not your current best friend. It is okay to grow away from that friendship. Your sister may have been your nemesis when you were growing up who picked on you. And now she may be your best friend who supports you and protects you fiercely from that guy who hurt you. It is important to allow that relationship to develop and blossom from arguments to agreements.
Work load shifts depending on the time of year, the project you are on or the client that you are working with. Sometimes work is in the forefront of our life when we have a deadline to meet. And that is okay. You may have to say,”no” to a dinner invitation or your son’s soccer game to get that project completed in time. Sometimes, work shifts to the back burner when its the weekend, or the evening or a vacation or you are focusing on family during your annual camping trip.
My life is a blend of relationships, work, play, rest, movement, nourishment, self care, stress, anxiety, happiness and everything in between. There are times that my marriage is the main focus in my life and others when I am in golf season and travelling and being a coach is a large focus. There are other times that seeing my family on the East coast becomes a priority and others times when having alone time is key. What has helped me navigate the blend of all of these is being aware that just because one part of my life is taking up a lot of space doesn’t mean that the other parts do not matter.
Do you find yourself fighting for balance? Can you stop fighting and start enjoying the blend of all the things in your life? What mindset shift or small action step can you make to shift away from balance and towards a blend?
You got this. Keep going. Your future self will thank you.