
The quote “Commitment is doing something when it is not convenient” has always resonated with me.

I have found that when you stay committed to something that you said you were going to do is not always convenient. When you want something that is worth fighting for or working towards, it will not always be easy. The mood you were in when you said you wanted to run that marathon, write that book, go for that job or change a life situation will fade. Commitment is staying true to those intentions, visions and goals when it is hard. When you are tired and don’t want to do that extra rep, write those 500 words or connect with that potential employer. Commitment is when you face the fear around a new endeavour and use your courage and bravery to unpack the fears and uncertainties surrounding it and then move through those fears.

It may not be convenient to get up at 6 am to work out, go for a walk or do your morning meditation. But it is worth it.

It may not be convenient to stand up for what is right or fair or just. But it is worth it.

It may not be convenient to follow the rules or standards set by your employer, your family, an organization or even standards set by yourself. But it is worth it.

When you commit to something and it becomes difficult, keep going. Change the route to get there. Find the support you need. Ask for help. Dig deep into your “why.” There is a reason you committed. Stay true to that. It will be worth it.

Keep going. You got this. Your future self will thank you.


Other People.


Lesson #6