How to get in shape fast
Spoiler alert: getting in shape “fast” is not a thing.
You want to be healthy? You want to live a long life? You want to wake up with high energy? You want to be happier? You want a better sex life? You want to feel comfortable in your clothes? You want to feel happier?
But here is the thing: health, “being in shape” (whatever that means for you) and taking care of your body is a lifelong journey. There is no time in which you have “arrived” when it comes to physical health. Taking care of yourself requires daily intentional actions and choices. It requires scheduling in workouts, movement, walks or any of the plethora of ways to move your body and get the blood flow going. It requires daily intentional choices in relation to nourishment. It requires meal planning and cooking the right foods for your body type. It requires knowing how certain foods affect you- positively or negatively. It requires the appropriate amount of hydration, Vitamin D and sleep.
Health is a long term project that has no end. To “ be in shape” and stay there, is an ongoing process that requires intentional daily, hourly and minute to minute choices.
The “get in shape fast” mentality may lead to poor habits, insufficient nutrition, injuries or sickness. If you are trying to lose weight, or gain strength, or get to a place where your clothes fit, it is about creating habits that will get you there and keep you there. Yeah, it is possible to lose 5 pounds in a week by cutting down calories and do a bunch of workouts but is that sustainable? What long term habits are you creating?
If you are trying to get in shape fast, I encourage you to think about long term health and habits and shift your plan to creating a lifestyle that lines up with what you want for your future, not for just now. Then come up with daily commitments and intentions that align with what you want for your future. Commit to staying hydrated, getting to sleep earlier, ordering the salad instead of the fries, go for a walk each afternoon, surround yourself with people who are like minded and create accountability.
Health and wellness is a marathon, not a sprint. Start slow, keep taking steps forward and enjoy the process!
#whynotyou #whynotnow