Lesson #1

As we start the new year, I am taking the month of January to blog about my favorite life lessons from my book, Your Future Self Will Thank You. Follow along here to get the newsletter updates as well as a free PDF of the Future you Defined workbook!

The first lesson: take care of your body because it really is the only place that you have to live. We will get into your home- the physical place you live on the planet in a separate lesson. This is about your physical self and how important it is to take care of it.

When we are young, we feel like we are invincible. 4 pieces of pizza? Sure! Add a dozen chicken wings? Why not! Pitcher of beer for the table? Make it two! Go to sleep at 1 am? Absolutely- that’s when my show ends! Go for a run? Not unless someone is chasing me! Meditate? Hell no- that is what old people do!

Any of this sound familiar? It does for me. When I was younger- especially in my college years, I often threw caution to the wind. I attended parties, drank a lot of beer, ate burritos or pizza at 2 in the morning and did not consume very many vegetables. I was young and I could bounce back easily from these things. Problem is, these created habits that I am still working to break over 20 years later. Sugar cravings, unhealthy food choices and excessive alcohol have chased me through life. And yes, I have often opened up the door and let them in.

It has taken me years and years to break some of these habits. I now consistently work out or move my body 4-5 times a week. I enjoy running, going to the gym, going for a bike ride, hiking and attending a yoga class. I make many small intentional choices every day to add in water, vegetables, whole grains and clean food. I love to cook now and I love to try new cuisine that has more nutrients, fiber and vitamins. I am living a life sans alcohol: this one is fairly new but I am committed to alcohol free for the year of 2022.

All of these choice are difficult for me. They are difficult because of the habits I had when I was young. I now know how important it is to take care of my body. To nourish it, to hydrate it and to move it. As you get older, things start to happen- some aches and pains and less ability to bounce back from a poor night of sleep. I realize that and am proactively taking care of my body- through food, water, sleep, movement and mindfulness.

So I ask you- what small changes can you make to take care of your body? Can you add in more water daily? How about eat more vegetables or fruits? Drink less soda? Go for an extra walk each week? Get to sleep a little earlier and shut the TV or phone off an hour before laying down? Take time to meditate or slow down?

I encourage you to take a look at the daily choices that you are making and see if there are small actionable steps you can take to continue taking care of you. You deserve it.

You got this. Keep going. Your Future Self Will Thank You.


Lesson # 3


Keep your boundaries