Choose what you want.
I have always believed in the power of choice. You get to choose what you want for your life. You get to choose what you do, where you go, who you spend your time with, what you consume- from food to drink to media. You get to choose where you live, where you work, how you take care of yourself and what you spend your money on.
I think that we often move through our life forgetting that we have those choices. We fall into habits and routines that do not serve us. We do the same things over and over, drive to work the same way, watch the same things on TV, eat the same things for dinner, fall into routines of mediocrity because we don’t think about the choices we are making or we think we don’t have a choice.
Some may say, “well, I can’t choose to not pay the cable bill!” and my answer to that is, “yes you absolutely can choose to not pay that bill. You can choose to not have cable and save money and time by not watching TV.” Some may say, “I can’t leave this job that I hate- I would never make this much money in another occupation” and my answer to that is “why would you choose to have a job that you hate? Can you choose a different occupation that you love? If it pays less, can you change your lifestyle, downsize or get a second part time job that you also love?”
What would your life be like if you had more adventure? What if you made more deliberate choices about doing things differently? What if you ate at different restaurants or tried new fun recipes? What if you went for a walk in the evening instead of watching the news again? What if you made plans to meet up with friends and do something different like bowling or ping pong or go to a music venue to watch live music? What if you chose to leave that job you hate for a job you loved? What if you chose to take the stairs instead of the elevator? What if you invited a co-worker that you don’t know well to have lunch on Friday? What if that coworker became one of your closest friends? What if you spent your Saturday mornings volunteering to help pick up trash on the highway instead of sleeping in?
What can you choose differently? What small choices can you make that can have a big impact? What big choices can you make that can have a larger impact? What in your life is not serving you right now that you could eliminate from your life? Is there a habit you can change? A person that isn’t kind to you that you can walk away from? A thing that is in your physical space that doesn’t bring joy? What can you choose to make your life align with what you want--what you truly want?
I understand that some choices are more difficult than others. Sometimes you have to make a series of choices to get to a different place in your life- a place you truly want to be.
It is your life- choose what is best for you.