Don’t focus on the good things when you are sad.

When people tell you to “look on the bright side” or “ focus on what is good” or “don’t dwell on the tough things” it is not helpful. When you do not allow yourself to be sad, you are suppressing the sadness which also suppresses greater opportunities for joy or happiness or even contentment. It is important to feel the hell out of your feelings- good and bad. To process what you need to so that you can get to the other side.

So when you are going through a hard time- keep going. Work through it. Talk it out. Do the things you need to do to get through the hard feelings. If not, it will still be there under the surface waiting to bubble up at inevitably a difficult time.

When you work through the tough feelings, you can then shift towards a different mindset and focus on the good things. What is important is that you do not skip the step of feeling your way through the other things.

So, FEEL your feelings, people!

That’s it. That is the whole post. Keep going. You got this.


Organize your Towels


New Year, Same You.