Guest Blog with Kindel Keenly
5 Ways to Ignite Your Creative Energy Today
Has it been awhile since you felt the spark of your creative power? Maybe you didn’t even notice you’ve been waiting for inspiration to strike. I’m sharing five tips to try on today to rekindle your creativity and get into an inspired groove. When you tap into your creative self, you’re being your most authentic self, trusting your inner wisdom and whims.
1. Move yourself.
One tried and true way to find inner movement is with outer movement. Go out for a walk, practice some poses on your yoga mat, or jump on your rebounder to get the blood flowing. Anything that gets you out of your seat and into some movement will help clear out the creative clogs and let in some new energy. One of my favorite movement practices is swamping. You can try it on by selecting a feeling you want to work with, inviting in creative energy for example, and thinking about how that makes you feel. Is this a slower pace-type feeling or a rapid one? Does this bring up feelings of anger, frustration, joy, excitement? Head to your preferred place to listen to music and put on some tracks that align with those feelings - maybe it’s 70’s Punk Scene, or it’s 60’s pop, or Yo-Yo Ma. Whatever resonates with you. Then feel the music and respond with your body. Try not to just dance, but let your body push and pull you as it feels the beat.
2. Shake up your wardrobe.
Maybe you’ve got the work-from-home blues or you’re tired of your corporate black on black attire. Look at your closet and drawers with fresh eyes and try on something else today. Don’t question your impulses, maybe today calls for a ballgown or fishnets and shorts. Kick the sweats to the curb today and see how inspiration strikes in other ways. What different choices will you make in this attire?
3. Try a writing exercise.
Some may find journaling or the Morning Pages exercise gets your mind excited, but here’s another to try on - writing as a character. Pick a character from your favorite book, movie, TV show, etc and write from their perspective. What makes them tic? What are they passionate about? What are they planning for Thanksgiving dinner? What are their desert island discs? Put yourself in their shoes and see what comes out of your pen.
4. Mix it up in the Kitchen.
Take a magnifying glass to your meal planning and try out a new recipe. Check out a recipe generator and put in everything from your pantry to get some inspiration for your next meal. Or scroll through your Pinterest saves and see what sparks your interest. Leave the lunchables for another day and get curious on the counter.
5. Doodle.
Grab a pencil or markers and a piece of paper and let loose. Let your mind wander as you scribble and scratch on the page. Need a little more oomph to get started? Open your photo album on your phone and scroll to the count of 10. Use the image you land on as the kick start. What is it an image of? Where is it or Who is it depicting? How does it make you feel? Let the feelings guide your doodles on the page.
I hope these tips get your inspiration going and ideas flowing and help you shake out any creative clogs!
If you’re looking for more creative tips and ideas, I share 1 each month in my creative catalyst newsletter. Sign up at and watch my goofy videos on instagram, where I use my creative muscle @coachingwithkindel
About Kindel :
Kindel Keenly is a creative catalyst coach. She works with creative individuals who lost touch with their creative side and put their passion on the back burner in favor of having stability and financial freedom. She helps them rediscover their natural gifts & talents, redefine what being creative means, and take action on using their creativity for personal fulfillment and joy.