I am burned out.

We are over 19 months into a worldwide pandemic that has taken over 5 million lives in the world. I followed stay at home orders, worked from home, restaurants were closed and I clorox wiped my groceries before putting them in the fridge. I did workouts in our kitchen, wore a mask and waited patiently for a vaccine. I have since watched people fight about the safety of these vaccines, watched videos of people going into businesses that required masks, not wearing masks and yelling at store owners about their “freedoms and rights” and comparing masks mandates to Nazi Germany. It has been in a word, insane.

I am burned out from all of this. Burned out from the masks, the political wars, the insurrection, the yelling, the immaturity and the keyboard warriors. I am tired from the work of getting a coaching certification, starting a business, writing a book, publishing a book, promoting a book, creating and maintaining my online presence, being a mentor coach all while being a full time golf coach.

I realize that I am very privileged. I kept my job during a worldwide pandemic that left millions unemployed. I stayed healthy and Covid-free while hundreds of thousands got sick and died from the virus. I kept my job, moved into a bigger apartment and was able to pad the savings account during this time as we stayed at home and didn’t spend on experiences like we used to while others were unable to secure housing because of loss of income.

I do realize that our society is set up for some to succeed and for others to start way behind in life. I realize that I was born into privilege. AND, the struggles that I have are real. They are mine. My burnout is real. And I need a break.

So as I sit here on November 1st, I am embarking on a program called 100% Fully Alive from a book written by Kate Swoboda who is the director of the Courageous Living Coach Certification in which I earned my coaching certificate and also served as a mentor coach.

This is a program that I am commiting to for 30 days. I will commit to 9 actions daily that take care of my mental, physical and social self. And I am so excited. This is a reset for me. A chance to pull myself out of burn out and towards the more grounded and energetic person that I want to be. A chance to do what I encourage my clients to do- make small daily commitments that will make my future self proud.

I am burned out. And I am doing something about it.

So I ask you- how are you doing? Are there changes you can make to your daily life that will help you live a more fulfilled and happier life? What are they? What will you commit to do in an effort to live more fully? This is your life. You get to choose how you will live it.

You got this. Keep going.


100% Fully Alive
