Life is unfair

Seriously. It is. Life is unfair. You can do everything the way you want to. You can be proud of how you handled a situation. Yet still….things do not pan out the way you had planned or hoped for. And it is frustrating and unfair.

“How come they didn’t get that done?” , “Why are they responding like that?” , “Why are things not working?!”, “I planned for everything and it still went wrong!”

These sentiments sound familiar?

So here is my question- what are you going to do about it? What are you going to do about situations that seem unfair?

I see two choices:

Sit in the frustration. Feel like a victim, Point fingers. Get angry. Blame others.


Take it in stride, Find a different way. Look for answers. Get perspective. Process your feelings around it.

Which will you choose? How will you reframe? How will you face the “unfair?”

I am here to remind you that you have a choice. Next time life deals you an unfair hand, take a step back and intentionally decide how you will play that hand.

You got this.


Show up.


Why am I so anxious?