What do you want?

Do you ever think about what you want? What you truly want? What do you want in your life? Who do you want in your life? Where do you want to be and go? What experiences do you want? What emotions do you want? What feelings do you want? How do you want to feel in your body?

When you know what you want, you can start making choices in your life that line up with getting to that place you desire.

When you know who you want in your life, find them. Call them. Ask them to dinner.

When you know where you want to go, start making plans to get there. And take the first step. Then the next step.

When you imagine the experiences you want to be having, make intentional choices to move towards those experiences.

When you know what emotions and feelings you want, make small choices that can lead you there.

When you start feeling your body and how it wants to move and be nourished, you can start making actions that line up with that. You can start moving it in the way that makes sense for you. You can start nourishing it with the foods you desire.

The first action is to decide what you want. The second action is to come up with a plan or vision to get there. The third action is to take the first step, make the first choice, or create the first intentional action to get there.

Figure out what you want. Then go get it.

You got this. Keep going.


Keep Going.


They told me I couldn’t.