I’m Scared.


BUT….it is the kind of scared that can change my life.

Ever have the feeling that you were on the verge of something new? Something great? Something life-changing? Something exciting?

Ever have that feeling in your stomach? The butterflies? The nervous energy? The thought of “holy crap, am I doing this?”

Ever sit in that moment? The moment right before you hit send on en email. Or submit an application. Or make that phone call. Or post that Blog. Or reply to the online dating message?

That’s the moment where fear can stop you or it is the moment where courage can move you forward.

When you are scared and pressing up against fear, I believe it is because you really, really want something. You really want change. You really want that job. Or that opportunity. Or that acceptance letter. Or that Yes.

The fear comes from two trains of thought. It is either, “What if this doesn’t work out and everything stays the same?” or “What if this does work out and everything changes?”

The fear of rejection or failure can stop you in your tracks. So can the fear of success and change.

The ability to step past that fear with courage is a skill. Taking the time to connect to your WHY and what you really want is so important. When your desire is larger than your fear, you can make the decision to go for it.

So what is it that you want? And what is holding you back from doing it? What can push you forward?

Connect with your why and DO IT! Make that call, hit send, create that space for a “yes” or make room for what you really want.

Your future self will thank you.


Overwhelm can not exist in community.


Intentional Choice vs. Passive Choice.