Overwhelm can not exist in community.

Recently I was on a conference call and someone said something that really struck a chord with me. She said, “Overwhelm can not exist in community.” It was such a simple statement but made so much sense to me.

“Of course being in community is where you don’t feel overwhelm!” is what I thought. I thought back to all of the times that I have been overwhelmed, when my to do list stretched longer than a CVS receipt. When I had 47 things I wanted to accomplish and only 2 hours to do it. When I focused too much on the end result rather than small steps to get to the result I want. I realized that when these things happened, I was by myself ruminating over what needed to be done.

Once I decided to reach out to a friend, a colleague , a family member, a coach, a therapist, an accountability buddy or a mastermind group, I was able to get the support I needed. And the overwhelm would dissipate.

Reaching out to your support system, network and community is so important. It can help you feel supported and calm.

Who are the people that you reach out to when overwhelmed? What support systems are in place? How do you move through to a place of calm.

When you realize that you are not alone, you can take a full and deep breath.

You got this. Keep going.


“I am exhausted with myself.”


I’m Scared.