Intentional Choice vs. Passive Choice.
There are so many things in our life that we have the opportunity to choose but let that chance slip by.
From what we eat to how we spend our time on social media to who we spend our time with to what time we go to bed to how we move our bodies, we have choices. Often, however, we approach these things passively and "do it the way we always have." We think if we made a different choice we would disrupt the apple cart or make waves that would create chaos. And chaos can bring fear and fear can paralyze us unless we approach it with courage.
Approaching it with courage could look like this:
You have a friend that you have lunch with every Friday. Each time you walk away from that meal, you feel worn down and frustrated because she spends most of the time complaining. She complains about work, her weight, politics, her boyfriend and the neighbor who is too loud. She doesn't give you much space to talk and when she does, you do not feel heard or seen. So you decide that this is not working and discuss it with her on your next lunch date. Explain that you care for her AND you feel like all you are is a sounding board for her to get all of her grievances off her chest,. You ask her if you can have a different space together where you have more intentional conversation. You ask to be heard.
Sound like a difficult or scary thing to do? It can be!
However, I encourage you to think of all the spaces in your life that can have more intentionality around it that can yield different results and lead to more fulfillment. Take a look at the choices that you make daily. List them. Then put a check next to the ones that you believe you are choosing more passively and not intentionally. Take some time to list each of those passive choices and brainstorm how you can make more intentional choices in each area. Come up with a plan of action to commit to those intentional choices.
The more intentional you become with your daily choices, the closer you can get to living a life you truly want to live.
You can do this- one small intentional choice at a time.